Internet Course

Got a ticket? Been ordered by a judge/court to complete a Traffic Violator School course? Our Internet-based traffic school program is your answer! Completing this course will even get you a discount on your insurance premiums, if your insurer allows this benefit.

Cheap Fast Fun's Online Traffic Violator School Course is simple, fast, and fun! It combines easy-to-read text and informative charts with colorful illustrations and driving related humor. You can sign out and log-in at your convenience, and the program is accessible 24 7 from any Web-enabled device. Best of all, it's a snap to complete (even if you're new to the Internet). So, grab a soda and some snacks—you're sure to enjoy this course!


Booklet Course

Our DMV-licensed traffic violator school (TVS) booklet course is licensed for use statewide. The informative, easy-to-read text is supplemented with helpful charts and interesting photos, and the hilarious cartoons and traffic-related jokes will have you laughing while you learn. Best of all, you can read the booklet anywhere: the beach, the backyard, or while traveling on a bus, train, or airplane—just not behind the wheel! Nothing could be easier!
